Brute forcing Inverse value of a Hash
I have recently come across a challenge where I was required to crack a 8-digit PIN, provided the Hash value.
We have many methods and analytics for commonly used 4-digit PIN. The same is not available for a 6 digit or 8 digit PIN.
The only way to break them is to brute force. I have come across a challenge recently to break a Hash (SHA256) of an unsalted 8 digit PIN.
I tried looking for a possible list of frequent 8 digit PIN, but there are none. Immediately I started writing code in Python to break it using brute force.
I would Like to share the code for brute-forcing such Hash of a PIN, utilizing the built-in libraries in Python.
Note: If interested please participate in the a survey to collect data on the commonly used PIN.
This will help in avoiding the brute force methodology, and come up with a a list of frequently used PIN.